About us

With the idea of developing an informal artist collective, we pave the way for a sustainable cooperation.
All members of the group can initiate their own projects and participate in the activities of other members.
Our projects are

  • across Europe,
  • in a crucial discourse on topics of pan-European importance,
  • interdisciplinary.

There are a number of important issues in Europe that should be dealt with in an artistic way - a glance at the websites of our participants shows that artists are already dealing with them. AiM artists work as acrobats, performers, arrangers, authors, designers, sculptors, set designers, clowns, poets, conductors, photographers, graphic artists, editors, illustrators, instrumental soloists, journalists, composers, critics, songwriters, painters, music teachers, singers, actresses, writers, illustrators, and much more.

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If you would like to join us, please feel free to fill in the AiM application form

We are proud to be featured in the euroArt 2020 Activity Report !
euroArt Activity Report(click to read)