
Blaues HausHorizons

Nowadays, the definition of unique Art is a challenge for creators.
How will artists find their own artistic Horizon in the future?
The theme of this exhibition grants artists the freedom to explore their own „Horizons“ through their various creations and artworks.
28 AiM-Artists from 5 different European countries will share their artistic „Horizons“ with the audience, in Dießen, Bavaria, Germany.

Sculptures, Paintings, photography, music, text

June 28th - July 6th 2025
Kulturforum Dießen
Prinz-Ludwig-Straße 23
Dießen am Ammersee

Organization: Birgit Schweimler
The freelance artist lives in Dießen am Ammersee and has her studio in Pähl. She is a member of AiM, Künstlervereinigung Murnau e.V., Tusculum and Euroart.

Curation-Team: Inga Lanzl and Birgit Schweimler

Paricipating artists :

  • from Germany
    Serge Devadder - Franck Fischer - Edith Glocker-Block - Salomé Herbst - Annette Hilbrecht - Andrea Jungnitsch - Jan Kähler - Bernhard Kölbl - Inga Lanzl - Gerd Lepic - Heidrun MalComes - Christa Mayr-Brandl - Christina von Puttkamer - Steve Schaub - Vera Schaub - Uta Schnuppe-Strack - Rolf Thärichen
  • from France
    Didier Bonnot - Jean-Louis Filoche - Eric Schaftlein - Anne Sergeant
  • from the Netherlands
    Dorrety Brookhuis - Natalia Dik - Gepke Hoekstra
  • from Greece
    Maria Moustou - Lee O’Connor
  • from Belgium
    Wim Scheere 


with the kind support of 

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