Brigitte Nowatzke-Kraft

Karlsruhe, Germany

BrigitteBorn in Baden-Baden, lives and works in Karlsruhe-Grötzingen.
Studied at the State Academy of Fine Arts in Karlsruhe, art history at the University of Karlsruhe, then lectured.
Numerous solo and group exhibitions as well as project participations.
Member of BBK and Gedok.

2018 Artist award from the Freundeskreis Badisches Malerdorf Grötzingen e.V.
2010 winner of the art award of the city of Baden-Baden and the Society of Friends of Young Art: "Artists in Baden-Baden".

Publicly owned works and art in construction.

In the artist's paintings, in many layers of color, an initially existing landscape structure is hidden and overlaid by architectural elements.
What remains are landscape fragments that emancipate themselves from the origin in views, glimpses and insights and developing a life of their own. This is open to interpretation by the viewer.

In addition, drawings are created under the title "Urban Structures", which show archaic spatial networks of rampant architecture, the construction of which is characterized by compression and loosening. The presence of man can only be guessed.

The painter makes "side jumps" when she leaves the space of her pictures and turns her ideas into objects or installations that are full of subtle wit and ambiguity.
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Im Anfang war das Wort nun ist es fort Städt. Galerie Speyer Ausstellungsansicht Oh Schwarzwald
IM ANFANG WAR DAS WORT - NUN IST ES FORT Städt. Galerie Speyer, Ausstellungsansicht OH SCHWARZWALD