Frank Fischer

Painter, photographer, graphic artist, film maker, performance artist
Weilheim, Germany

Frank Fischer 1"Frank Fischer's Orm-Art differs from the everyday pictures like the view into the television to the view into a fireplace. It leaves us the freedom for fantasy and spontaneous associations. If we allow it, we discover in them our very own world of images full of mythical figures and mysterious signs." (Leopold Ploner)

With my painting I playfully question habits of perception and challenge imagination and intuition. In video art I expand these into meditative spaces of experience and project them as light art into natural spaces.
The relationship between man and nature is the central theme of my collaborative action wERDschätzung, which I base on the idea of social sculpture according to Joseph Beuys and expand to "ecological sculpture". By means of a white handmade fabric frame, people worldwide are invited to perform "wERDschätzungen" at a place of their choice.

I install my public humus actions in urban centers as perception artworks and in this way thematize the relationship between man and earth. I was born in Munich and since 2016 have my studio with gallery in Weilheim south of the Ammersee.

I want to work together with international artists in a good spirit and experience how different media and disciplines of art connect and combine
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Ohne Title   kreislaufe   requiem for a fallen tree
