Inge Bos

Tighnabruaich, Scotland

Gempke03Inge Bos is a Dutch artist living in Argyll in the west of Scotland, her works emerge from structure, sometimes intentionally, sometimes as dictated by the already present: the wood's grain. She works with oils and pigments. Figures present themselves from under transparent layers. A panel will sometimes absorb an element of the painting into itself, forcing a distanciation from the original image wherein the artist's presence both literally and figuratively disappears.

But with distanciation comes perspective and an invitation to focus. Her drawings may appear to present an inky, Rorshachesque netherworld wherein everything is equally (in)visible, but they frame presence in an environment-specific here and now. Structures reveal themselves in the interplay of dark and light. Structures invoke presence. Presence defines structure. Together they inhabit a plain and a moment, and invoke memories - atavistic, collective memories - the experiencing of which sets the image in motion and alters reality.

In this process of altering, from first impression to deeper layers, spatial realities converge and differentiate, differentiate, and converge, but ultimately reveal.
I’d like to join AiM to be part of a wider European orientated group of artists. Living abroad with my Dutch background and art education i think it would be inspirational to collaborated showing artwork together and shine a light on how our cultural backgrounds our shared history manifests in art.
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Kaltwasserlaine Seaweed Stubborn Clock

untitled - 160 cm x 200 cm
Coffee ink and watercolour on Sitka wood

October 2023
watercolour on paper

untitled - 150 cm x 130 cm
Coffee Gesso and oil on Sitka