Beat Unternährer

Musician, Performance Art Man
Baar, Switzerland

BeatBeat Unternährer (*1963), lives and works in Baar/ZG. As a trombonist and sound shifter, he has been searching his way through the thicket of sounds for over 40 years. His extended and prepared trombone accompanies him on beat and pause! Again and again he crosses his sounds with bits and bytes to finally return transformed to the sound of acoustic instruments. For well over 15 years, he has also been exploring field recording and modular synthesizers and researching a hybrid setup with acoustic and electronic instruments.

Unternährer enjoys meeting other musicians and artists at home and abroad in order to enter into a free and risky dialogue with them. He often finds himself collaborating with authors, performers and visual artists.

Among others, he works in the trio Hybrid Ear (Schacher, Arrizabalaga), plays in a duo with Markus Gsell, in the quartet NEXT (Solothurmann, Ulrich, Jaeger), in a trio with Max Huwyler (✝ 2023) (texts) and Ségiu Voser (cello, voice), with Daniel Steffen, Angela Stöcklin (dance), Diego Kohn and many other artists.
Various sound performances solo at ACT, Migma and in larger groups at DIA and together with Jasch, Judith Huber, Claudia Bucher, Beatrice Im Obersteg. Unternährer is an active PANCH member.
He completed his Master's degree in Contemporary Arts Practice at the Bern University of the Arts in 2017, specialising in music and performance. Since then, Unternährer has been working increasingly site-specific and with the inclusion of electronic sound bodies.

I met Gerd through a mutual friend. He told me about AiM and I really like the current projects. I'm also always interested in networking and like to work across disciplines. For these reasons, I would love to become part of this exciting cooperative.