Joëlle Kuhne

Organizer and curator of exhibitions and concerts
Engenthal-le-Bas, France

Joelle unmasked a"Les Mam'zelles de Jo" are "material images", imaginary characters, sometimes homage, always reverie. Their story in images is told with the tip of a needle, written with assemblies of fabrics, pearls, buttons, feathers, jewelry,… and a thousand other little odds and ends, in turn broken down, recomposed or simply… posed. The materials play with the movements that are formed and deformed. The colors harmonize, tyrannize, provoke, convene ...
Joëlle KUHNE found her inspiration in the countries she herself crossed, in particular Russia and Japan, countries which are at the origin of the famous little dolls.
Joëlle KUHNE is an ethnologist, doctor in cinema and anthropology, specialist in images. Traveling, watching, communicating are her main activities! President of the FIATABEC association, she also organizes concerts and exhibitions (flutes ... alors? In 2019), in order to allow different arts to come together.
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JOELLE KUHNE CORÉE chaman fête du printemps JOELLE KUHNE EUROPE Belgique Un Gilles pour carnaval JOELLE KUHNE JAPON pesonnage du Théâtre NÔ Kurosaka sorcière
chaman, fête du printemps
Un Gilles pour carnaval
Kurosaka sorcière 
JOELLE KUHNE RUSSIE Sibérie Transbaïkalie chaman bouriate JOELLE KUHNE AFGHANISTAN Burqa JOELLE KUHNE JAPON personnage du théâtre NÔ Fukakusa esprit errant
Sibérie-Transbaïkalie, chaman bouriate


esprit errant