Rolf Thärichen

Photographer, graphic artist, poet, ...
Ohlstadt, Germany

Gempke03Motivation: It's never too late to start something new
In the autumn of life, real and imagined barriers and necessities gradually fall. Life turns into the home stretch.
At any given moment, it is always enough.
Everything can - nothing must
Above all, it is about practicing the art of "allowing oneself to be impressed without reflecting". These impressions emerge in consciousness in their own time, often dimly or in fragments, but occasionally with surprising clarity.
Just as it suits them.

Vita: Artist or engineer and artist
On the surface, I have a technical degree. Graduate engineer in aerospace engineering.
But man thought - and God laughed
Into the end of my studies burst the 68 movement, I became a part of it and a life with blinkers was no longer possible.
I was lucky enough to hear the un-heard, to discover the un-seen, to experience the im-possible and above all to be impressed, to try myself out and to learn.
Since the age of 16, music has been the thickest common thread, which over the years has also sprawled into other artistic areas.

Living in Crazy Times:
Today, as in 1968, it is important to put superficial purposes and justifications far behind, to ask questions in new ways, to experiment, to track down what is unsaid and unheard and to give it space to unfold.
I guess I'll have to do it while I'm here.
It took many years to give my creative impulses an appropriate expression. Today I feel as a creative human being struggling for survival of humans as a species in a world full of cracks and disruption. It needs the creativity of millions of people to find solution. My way is listen, feel, see, talk, share and cooperate as an artist in motion.

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Kaltwasserlaine Seaweed Stubborn Clock

Digital photo, trying to catch the dynamics
of flowing water.

 Seaweed - 40 x 30 cm
Abstract patterns extracted from a digital photo.
Laser engraving on a painted two-ply-cardboard.

Stubborn Clock - 25 x 25 cm
The stubborn clock: It knows the exact time,
but refuses to display it.
Except briefly for 2 seconds every 5 minutes.
LEDs controlled by a digital micro-controller.