“DES” was born in Cosenza on April 29th 1968. He lives and works in Taranto. Visionary artist, poet, autodidact, he is involved in painting and sculpture, and any other form of art, through a constant research of styles, techniques and forms of expression. Spontaneous aesthete, he works on the relationship between material and nature, seeking for emotions, depicting the states of human soul; his production is made of contrasts: uncertainty and security, depth and elevation to light, rationality and inspiration, colours and shadows, movement and stillness. His innate vocation for the impalpable and the great curiosity that characterizes him have led DES to explore as many disciplines as possible, making art and order the framework of his thinking. “My works… made of moments, feelings, emotions. Moods that pour onto the canvas or any other surface, through colour, matter, gestures. My life and my art are now one. Everything is a source of inspiration: a phrase, a thought, a sound, a perfume, a colour. Places, time and space influence my creations, they become an integral part of them. The creative action is a string of blisses. Sometimes it is a cry, sometimes a sigh, sometimes contemplation. But it is still life. My life speaks to hearts, my art speaks to hearts, minds, but above all to the soul“.
www.assclaminternational.com/i-nostri-artisti/giuseppe-de-simone-biografia/ www.umanodisumano.com/